IMC Club
Chapter 663 offers an IMC Club for our members interested in improving their flying under Instrument Flight Rules.
The IMC Club’s purpose is to promote instrument flying, proficiency, and safety. The intent is to create a community of pilots willing to share information, provide recognition, foster communications, promote safety, and build proficiency in instrument flying.
The IMC Club monthly programming is developed and produced by EAA, but it does not use a lecture or presentation format. Instead, an actual scenario is presented and is followed by a group discussion – so audience participation is encouraged! Since everyone has a different experience level and different airplane capabilities, we can all benefit from the discussion.
The IMC Club’s purpose is to promote instrument flying, proficiency, and safety. The intent is to create a community of pilots willing to share information, provide recognition, foster communications, promote safety, and build proficiency in instrument flying.
The IMC Club monthly programming is developed and produced by EAA, but it does not use a lecture or presentation format. Instead, an actual scenario is presented and is followed by a group discussion – so audience participation is encouraged! Since everyone has a different experience level and different airplane capabilities, we can all benefit from the discussion.
IMC Club
Forth Thursday of the month @ 7pm on ZOOM
Scenarios & Topics Include:
Sessions are held over ZOOM
Passcode: 663 |
Keith Johns
IMC Club Coordinator
Certificates: Commercial ASEL & Flight Instructor - Instrument Airplane
Keith has been instructing since 2009 and has over 2800 hours dual given. He owns a light sport Flight Design CTSW aircraft based at Livermore Airport. He is a Cirrus Standardized Instructor Pilot yet also enjoys training instrument pilots in their own experimental aircraft. He trains in Garmin, Avidyne, and Dynon equipped aircraft.
Keith has been instructing since 2009 and has over 2800 hours dual given. He owns a light sport Flight Design CTSW aircraft based at Livermore Airport. He is a Cirrus Standardized Instructor Pilot yet also enjoys training instrument pilots in their own experimental aircraft. He trains in Garmin, Avidyne, and Dynon equipped aircraft.